For all enquiries, suggestions and support regarding our products and customer service, please use our below contact form you can call us on Telegram, WhatsApp and Viber (numbers as below). As we are a relatively small company we cannot man our call 24 hours so if your call is not answered please leave a message on Telegram, WhatsApp or Viber by voice or by text.
Please note that our app call support below is limited to new business inquiries, technical support or other non order related issues. For assistance with existing orders the best way is to refer to the original order confirmation email that we sent you and to send your request to us there. Alternatively please message us using the form below and then choose the reason for contacting us to be “Question About Existing Order” and provide us your order reference number.
If none of the below options are suitable for you please call our general phone number: +63 966 992 8666 (overseas call charges apply). You can see the time in the Philippines below.